Monday, November 8, 2010


This is a silhouette of a alcohol bottle or even a water bottle. When I think about the taste as an alcoholic beverage, i think of something smooth not too strong, sweet, and pleasant. As for a water bottle i would assume that the taste would be refreshing, with a hint of lemon flavor.

This is a silhouette of a alcoholic beverage. The taste is fierce, tenacious, and compelling. 

This is a silhouette of a any type of beverage. It can be alcoholic, non-alcoholic, soda, or even a water bottle. This is just a designed i created but haven't come up with a taste for.

This is a silhouette of alcoholic beverage or a soda bottle. The taste if it were a alcoholic beverage would be a strong taste but not too strong, smooth, and mellow. A s soda it would have a very strong sparkling and refreshing taste.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Piracy Arrr!

For as long I've been listening to music, all I hear is how pirating music is bad. Well before we start pointing fingers lets look at the big picture here.

Piracy is bad and is illegal, but does it really hurt the artist if one chooses to download one song off an artists entire album? Maybe a person doesn't want an entire album and just wants one song. I know you're probably saying, well that is why we have Itunes for. Well, looking at what Itunes charge for a single song, you're better off buying the whole cd instead of buying a single song for 0.99 cent. 

I believe downloading illegal music isn't a good thing but it's a smart thing. Why? Well, if you take the best rapper alive Lil Wayne and his latest album The Carter 3 sold over 1 million copies in the first week. That is after his album was leaked a week before the actual release date. Some may call it lucky but i believe that if it wasn't for people downloading Lil Wayne's album illegally before it came out then Lil Wayne wouldn't have had the success that he has now. 

Piracy is going to continue to grow whether we like it or not. Until artists start making music that make people want to buy their album then we are going to see people continue to download music illegally. It's just a matter of time until downloading music is legal and no one has to pay for music.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hacking: Good or Bad?

What is a hacker? Is it good, is it bad? These are the question being asked everyday in our society. So what is a hacker? Well to an average person a hacker is a person who hacks into computer and into peoples personal information. To a hacker its something like a hobby or art. 

Now the million dollar question, is hacking good or bad? Of course people are going to say it's bad, but I believe we should look at through both perspective. Yes, hacking is bad depending on what the hacker is doing. For instance, if a hacker is hacking into someones computer to steal their personal information (ex. credit cards, social security, banking information, and etc.) then hacking is bad. Hackers have been known to ruin a lot of lives, steal money, and even blackmail people. 

So how can hacking be good? If your a big corporation that has a lot of confidential work on your computers, then hiring a hacker to work for you is probably the best thing to do. The reason for having a hacker as an employee is because a hacker knows what another hacker is capable of doing and how hacker thinks. 

Here is a video from one of the top ten hackers in the world. He explains how he hacked, and how he is now working for a company that wants him to hack. 

Well is hacking good or bad? I guess it all depends on how you use hacking. If it's to harm someone then we can say it's bad, but if hacking is to help someone then I guess hacking is a good thing.